Want to know God?

Want to know God?

Eastmont Baptist Church, Montgomery

Ever had a song in your head that keeps replaying over and over again? When it came to God and eternal life, that is how it was with me. Questions like “Does God exist?” or “What is He like?” repeatedly came to my mind.

I wasn’t obsessed with it, yet when I would gaze at the stars, see a sunset or stand in awe of the mountains, I knew He was out there. Science tried to tell me differently, and philosophy confused me with its arguments.

Yet somehow I knew God existed. I just didn’t know how to find Him. Like missing a key piece of a puzzle, life was incomplete without Him. I had a great family, good friends and many interests in my life, but at the end of the day, I was alone in my room and empty.

One Sunday while visiting a church, someone told me how much God loved me and wanted a relationship with me. I’ll never forget what he said. “Mike, it was a great day that you were born, but it is even a better day to know why you were born. You were born to know and serve God.” I knew he was right. Perhaps you are not too different from me. You would like to know God and be assured you have eternal life in heaven. Here is what I did that Sunday.

First, I asked God to help me know Him. Then I asked Jesus Christ to come into my life, forgive me and give me eternal life. I didn’t use big words. I spoke from my heart. Did God respond? That moment, a calm and peace came over me. For the first time, I felt complete. Like the feeling you get when you return home from a trip, I knew that I was where I belonged. That day, I found in Jesus Christ why I was created. Later I discovered the Bible calls this being born again.

It took a step of faith to become a Christian. I was always looking for an airtight, logical argument that proved God existed. Though the evidence for God is overwhelming, I had to step out on faith. A writer once said it this way: “My heart had reasons my mind knew not of.” Jesus said it like this in Matthew 7:7: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it will be opened unto you.” I hope you will take that step of faith and trust Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.