There are everyday, tiny annoyances that you can just count on. If you are waiting on a callback from someone, the phone will not ring until you step down the hall for a moment. The checkout line you are in will always be the slowest one. You can always count on these things happening.
However, we all have to deal with serious problems in life. At some point we will have to deal with the illness and death of loved ones. We have to make financial decisions. We all live in an imperfect world and deal with the consequences of our choices and others’ choices.
One thing we have to face is what we believe about Jesus. First Corinthians 1:23 says: “But we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles.” A stumbling block is defined as an obstacle. Is Jesus really an obstacle? Well just as we have to decide how to drive around an object in the road, we have to decide what we are going to believe about Him. Even those who choose to believe that Jesus, or even the discussion about Jesus, is foolish will have to deal with Him.
Jesus is Lord. He has always been and always will be. Philippians 2:10 says: “At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.” Some, however, will realize that too late. Matthew 7:23 says He will tell many to depart from Him, for He never knew them.
How then do you come to know Him? Can you come to know Him? Yes, you can. Romans 5:8 says: “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” You don’t have to be perfect on your own. Jesus taught us in John 3:16 that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life. This belief means that we trust Him. It means we turn from the way we were going and follow Him. It means we acknowledge that we need His forgiveness and trust in Him as Lord. This is how we know Him.
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