Want to know God?

Want to know God?

By Jenni Ingram

Member, First Baptist Church, Gantt

Do you want to know one of the things that excites me most about my relationship with God? The fact that He meets me right where I am, when I need Him the most, in the way I can best understand Him.

A perfect example of this is my Bible. To some, I’ve been told, they believe it’s just a “great story” written by men. A fable if you wish to call it that. Some of that statement is factual. It was written by men. Some men who actually walked with Jesus, taught with Jesus and witnessed His ministry.

We are told that “all of Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16). When I was living a sinful life, God pursued me, but I didn’t recognize Him because of the curtain of sin I was living behind. Sure I read the Bible, but I had no idea what He meant.

I didn’t understand until I gave it all to Him — my sins, my hopes, my dreams, my everything — and asked Him to do with it what He wished to. Then and only then did the passages in this holy “story” begin to make sense to me.

Since that day in October 2002 so much has been revealed to me. I have worn out several Bibles since then and every time the journey is different. More is revealed to me in the same passages I may have read a dozen or more times.

I make this offer to you: give up your sinful ways. Repent (turn away from sin and ask Jesus for forgiveness). Then offer God your heart and your life and go read your Bible. Your journey is just beginning.