By Jenni Ingram
Member, First Baptist Church, Gantt
One day when I was teaching my Wednesday night class at church, we were discussing salvation and the goodness of the Lord. One young lady asked me a question that not only had I never been asked before, I had not ever really considered and I will never forget it. She said, “Mrs. Jenni, I love Jesus and I do believe He is the Son of God and that He will save me from my sins, but I have a question: Who made God?”
I was ashamed that I did not have an immediate answer for her other than: “He is eternal, He has no beginning and no end” (Ps. 90:2). There was never a cause for me to question His existence, He just was.
So I think in order for us to really know God we have to understand that God is not bound by time. God has always been. Linear time began when He formed the earth. God is not matter — meaning He has no form; He is a spirit (John 4:24).
He came to earth in the form of Jesus Christ and resides with us now in the being of the Holy Spirit — the Comforter. We cannot think of God in the same way we think of other people. He is the great “I Am” (Ex. 3:14), meaning He is everything and the only thing we need.
God is infinite in the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All three are one and They love us beyond a human capacity. There is an infinite capacity to forgive, love and guide. We are the ones bound by time. One day, our time on this earth will be over and we will go to meet Them. Are you ready?
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