First Baptist Church, Madison
Easter is a very good time of the year to ask how to become a Christian since all the key issues in the death and resurrection of Jesus are displayed.
As human beings, we all have a dark side of our nature that is capable of doing cruel and hurtful things.
That nature was displayed in its fullest and darkest when Jesus — whose only crimes were telling the truth and loving too much — was put to death by the people who did not like what He said or did.
While the act of crucifying Jesus is sin written very large, the things we do that assert our desires over God’s are no different from the sin exposed in Jesus’ death.
If sin is written large at Calvary, then so is forgiveness.
“Father, forgive them,” was one of the things Jesus said from the cross. The Bible teaches us that Jesus endured the suffering of the cross in order to make forgiveness available to all who will recognize His sacrifice and seek forgiveness of sin from God.
His sacrifice displays God’s love for us and demonstrates how far that love will go in calling us to turn away from our sins and turn to a loving and forgiving God.
“Surely, this man was the Son of God,” the Roman soldier overseeing the execution said as he observed the events unfolding before him. His famous confession is a model for us when we seek the path to salvation.
As we recognize our sin and seek God’s forgiveness, we also confess our faith in Jesus Christ as God’s Son who came to this world to offer us the way of life.
The story of salvation does not end with Jesus’ death, however.
This time of the year comes to its summit of victory when we celebrate on Easter the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave.
This is the good news: the One who died to give us forgiveness is the One who is alive to give us life.
How do you become a Christian? Easter shows us. Recognize your sins. Seek God’s forgiveness. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ. Receive the new and eternal life the living Lord gives.
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