Welch named to SBC global relationships position

Welch named to SBC global relationships position

NASHVILLE — Bobby Welch has been named to the position of strategist for global evangelical relations with the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) Executive Committee.

Welch, a Fort Payne native, is the SBC’s immediate past president and pastor emeritus of First Baptist Church, Daytona Beach, Fla., where he served 32 years. He began his new duties March 15 and will continue to live in Daytona Beach.

Morris H. Chapman, Executive Committee president, said the new position is part of the Executive Committee’s implementation of a vote by messengers at the SBC’s 2004 annual meeting to withdraw from the Baptist World Alliance (BWA) and to build relationships with evangelistically oriented Baptists and like-minded evangelicals across the globe.

Funding formerly designated for the BWA was reassigned for the new international initiative and remains within the SBC operating budget.

Chapman said Welch will have three key emphases: help build a network of relationships and partnering opportunities, champion the need for Baptists to be active in witnessing and emphasize biblical stewardship and the Cooperative Program channel of support for national and international missions and ministries.