Welcoming Candace McIntosh

Welcoming Candace McIntosh

Since this article appears once a month in The Alabama Baptist sometimes I am a month behind in information, but I didn’t want the opportunity to go by without expressing by delight for the election of Candace McIntosh to the position of executive director of Alabama Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU). From all I have heard of this young woman, she indeed is a woman who will give leadership in the role that is hers.

According to Stuart Calvert, Alabama WMU president the search committee gathered much information about prospective directors. “We considered all of it, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit,” she said. Stuart went on to say that the committee determined that the description of wisdom in James 3:17 included qualities they were seeking in a leader. James wrote, “The wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.”

As a result of their process, the unanimous vote of the committee offered Candace the position. After much prayer and God’s guidance, she agreed to accept to position upon the approval by the WMU board of trustees.

I feel this was a good choice. In her position as Alabama WMU consultant for students and ministries, Candace used her creative skills. Candace’s professional ministry and secular job experiences qualify her even further to lead Alabama WMU.

Seems to me that the search committee has done an outstanding job with the selection of Candace. If ever women needed leadership to help all ages live out their lives in the pressures of today, it is now. Real life examples are what the world is crying for; giving a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name.

I was 10 years old when I visited my first nursing home. My GA leader packed her station wagon with a group of girls. This and the weeks after, as we would sing and have fellowship with the patients there, was a real experience for me.

As a teenager my heart broke for the women in jail. I would not have known their plight had it not been for WMU. The years brought maturity and the desire to still reach out to others by teaching a Bible study at the Baptist Church in the inner city of Birmingham and assisting one of the many churches who served food at the homeless shelter. It is that same desire instilled in me as a young woman by WMU that carries my interest to work with Red Cross, Salvation Army, Youth Development Center and other places of service. Finding my place in God’s kingdom to help others, by praying for and giving to missions, doing missions, learning about missions and living a missions lifestyle is important to me. My leaders taught me through the years to color outside the lines. I will pray for Candace in her new position and for all those she works with. Her life will touch many. I will pray for the Spirit of God to be in her life in a powerful way.