More than 150 deacons and their wives gathered at Seventh Street Baptist Church, Cullman, Feb. 26–27 for the West Cullman Baptist Association deacon training conference.
With sessions led by Mississippi pastor John Temple, former pastor of Seventh Street Baptist, the two-day conference not only trained attendees in deacon ministries but also encouraged them to take spiritual-gifts training back to their churches to use in reaching their communities for Christ. It was an opportunity to put the emphasis on everyone having a ministry in the church and laypeople joining deacons in ministries like hospital visitation, grief counseling and evangelism, said Director of Missions Jack Collins.
“We have a sense of revival taking place in West Cullman Baptist Association, and that means equipping key leaders — pastors and pastors’ wives, deacons and deacons’ wives,” he said.
“We’re going after our Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and to the outer parts of the world,” Collins added.
He said the timing of the conference was ideal in light of the God’s Plan for Sharing: Across Alabama initiative culminating on Easter. “We want to be well prepared to do what God is going to do in our association,” Collins said.
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