Why Pastors Quit

Why Pastors Quit

The article about pastors quitting too soon was informative. Put Mr. Peter’s 10 issues together and you get … LIFE. Pastors experience nothing different from what those in the corporate world encounter. In fact, pastors probably have it

easier. The difference is that of all places these things ought not be is church.

The place where love, mercy, grace, compassion, reconciliation and forgiveness ought to be front and center is church … but in most it isn’t. There is division in the one place there should be unity.

Sometimes a pastor leaves because he doesn’t want an ugly fight in church. He doesn’t want to be the source of Christ getting a bad name in the community. He chooses to turn the other cheek rather than fight “the opposition.” He chooses to speed healing by leaving rather than stay and disunity grow. Some pastors choose getting a black eye over giving one. The answer? Ephesians 4:29–32.

Ron Ethridge
Muscle Shoals, Ala.