Widows network as prayer warriors

Widows network as prayer warriors

The death of a spouse is always difficult, but for a minister’s wife who has served alongside her husband — often for decades — the loss of a spouse can also mean the loss of a ministry. 
Today hundreds of widows have found a way to continue contributing to the Kingdom through a prayer ministry that involves widows who volunteer to pray daily for a variety of special needs pertaining to Southern Baptists’ missions and ministries around the world. 
The Widows’ Might prayer ministry, sponsored by GuideStone Financial Resources (Annuity Board) of the Southern Baptist Convention, focuses on Southern Baptist denominational needs. Additionally, prayer is offered for needy servants of God who are not widely known and who otherwise might not receive prayer support.
“We often hear from widows who share how blessed they feel to be a part of the Widows’ Might prayer ministry,” said Susie Hawkins, who volunteers her time to head up the ministry. “It is a wonderful way for these women to still feel connected to the work of God in the Southern Baptist Convention. Many of them feel isolated, having been active in their church and/or husband’s ministry. Despite age, illness, loneliness or economic struggles, the women of the Widows’ Might are eager to pray for God’s power to be present in the work of our Southern Baptist Convention.”
The Widows’ Might ministry was named in honor of the widow who gave her last two mites to the Lord’s work. In Luke 21:3–4, Jesus praised her because while others gave “out of their abundance … she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.”
“That spirit of giving is the spirit we want to exemplify in the Widows’ Might — to give all we have to prayer, asking God to do ‘exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think,’” Hawkins said.
Widows who participate in the ministry receive a “Quarterly Call to Prayer,” a listing of prayer requests from the North American Mission Board, International Mission Board, Woman’s Missionary Union, Southern Baptist seminaries and organizations such as the Executive Committee, GuideStone, LifeWay Christian Resources and  Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. The widows are asked to keep informed and updated on all aspects of Southern Baptist life so they can keep their prayers focused and specific.
“Sometimes widows can be ‘pushed into a corner’ and forgotten,” said Nell Rittenhouse, a member of First Baptist Church, Birmingham. 
“[The ministry has] given us an opportunity to continue to serve as best we can. What a blessing this has been to have the opportunity to pray for our missionaries and Christian leaders around the world. My heart is burdened for the millions who are lost and unconcerned for their souls.”
In addition to the quarterly requests, widows receive reports of answered prayer. 
“When the ladies get reports of people receiving Christ all around the world, of the Bible being translated into new languages and other wonderful praises from the organizations who submit prayer requests, they know their commitment is making an impact,” Hawkins said.
For more information about the Widows’ Might prayer ministry, call 1-800-262-0511. (GuideStone)