Williams: Japan

Williams: Japan

We want to share four prayer requests:

1. A new missionary family, Jeremiah and Gigi Boek and their three children, arrived recently from Calvary Chapel in Modesto, Calif., to serve with one of our Great Commission partners, Tokyo Horizon Chapel.

Pray for their adjustments. Pray too for missionaries Todd and Micki Howard as they are now making preparations in the United States to hopefully come later this fall.

2. Thank the Lord for two young women, Hiroko and Natsuko, who are participating in our “Harvest Impact Training” group.

Last night they shared that on Sunday the Holy Spirit prompted them to put into practice what they have been learning as they led another young woman named Masako to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

3. Maya was baptized recently. Ask the Lord to bless her and use her conversion as a witness to not-yet-believers and an encouragement to other followers of Christ.

4. Pray for Charlie as he teaches an “Introduction to Church Planting” at Horizon Bible College.

Charlie and Darlene Williams