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Miraculous healing — physically and spiritually
By Dominic Kendall
Student pastor, Enon Baptist Church, Morris
You’ve been healed.”
Those were the words that came from my doctor’s mouth — words that changed my life. How could this be? Only because of Jesus.
In April 2009 while playing goalkeeper for my high school soccer team I was going for a ball and was accidentally kicked in the face by the opposing team. I was taken by ambulance to the University of Tennessee Medical Center where they took scans of my face to see if I had hurt any of my facial bones.
During the scans doctors discovered a small benign tumor deep in my brain. This diagnosis led to multiple follow-up scans and trips to a neurosurgeon. The doctors said the tumor wasn’t cancerous but had to be dealt with because of its position and proximity to the short-term memory area of my brain.
So in July 2009 at the age of 17, I underwent brain surgery. Doctors were unable to remove the tumor due to its position in my brain so they created a safety shoot to help as the tumor grew to help the flow of brain fluid around my brain.
The expectation was that the tumor would continue to grow and frequent scans would allow them to monitor it until a more invasive surgery would be needed.
For close to a decade I lived knowing I would one day have to have a risky and potentially deadly surgery. I was always aware of any symptoms and even carried around an envelope so no matter where I was in the country or the world I would be able to give that envelope to the doctors if necessary.
That changed in March. I went for a checkup and had all the routine scans. I sat in the doctor’s office and waited for him to tell me whether there had been any growth.
When the doctor finally came in the first words out of his mouth were, “Well, son, you’ve been healed.”
I was caught off guard. I asked a slew of follow-up questions to make sure they had the right brain scans for the right person.
The doctor told me that not only was the tumor gone but the safety shoot they had put into my brain was also healed. The only evidence I had even had surgery in the first place was the little metal cap that sealed the hole where they went into my brain.
The Lord healed me. The God of the universe looked down and healed me. I was prepared at the age of 17 to give all the glory to God no matter what this tumor did.
Now all the more I will declare the glory and praises for the God who not only has saved me spiritually but has healed me physically as well.
My Jesus Story
Have you ever felt like an outsider? Maybe when you started a new school or a new job. The feeling definitely comes — at least for me — when visiting a new church.
This got me thinking about Mary and Joseph. I know, I know, Christmas is five months away but hang with me if you will.
Mary and Joseph traveled a long distance for the census to Bethlehem. They went to the normal places like the inn and they didn’t have any room for them. They were outsiders.
Mary was probably scared and in pain. I’m sure Joseph was frustrated. He was out of his comfort zone but he had a mission — to find a safe place for Jesus to be born — and he succeeded with God’s provision.
He didn’t give up, he didn’t stop when things got embarrassing or difficult. He pressed on. He knew God would provide and God did. We must have this kind of faith today.
As Christians we are outsiders in this world just as Scripture tells us we will be. Take comfort. We are chosen to be outsiders — just as Mary and Joseph were — to fulfill a greater purpose.
Jenni Ingram
Gantt Baptist Church
Gantt, Ala.
Leaving a ministry legacy
Maybe you know what a Legacy Ministry is … but do you know why your church should offer one?
Before Jesus left this earth He gave what is known today as the Great Commission — to “go and make disciples.”
Discipleship, simply put, is helping people trust and follow Jesus. But where does a Legacy Ministry fit in? It’s an often overlooked but key component to discipleship. Helping your members trust and follow Jesus with everything God has entrusted to them even after the Lord calls them home.
But here’s what we’ve discovered: the majority of your committed givers have never considered how creating a plan for what they’ve accumulated in this lifetime is an act of stewardship.
At the Foundation we equip churches just like yours to offer a Legacy Ministry to their members. That means hundreds of families are considering leaving a gift in their Legacy Plan, making an impact that can only be measured in eternity.
By offering a Legacy Ministry in your church you’re giving each family the opportunity to continue making disciples even after they leave this earth … now that’s a legacy!
If you would like to offer this opportunity to your members, call 334-394-2000.
—Barry Bledsoe
From the Twitterverse
No matter how desperate we feel or how defeated we may be, there is no need for despondency. God never lacks a means for our deliverance nor the power in effecting our salvation.
I am profoundly thankful for the blessing of Sunday. #itsmyfavoriteday The gathering of the saints on the 1st day of the week is needed medicine for my soul; a glimpse of the coming kingdom. See you at the meeting house #Siloam!
The healthiest thing we can do is tell God how we feel. Bring your anger. Bring your fear. Bring your question. Bring your sin! He is not insulted or intimidated by those that run to Him! Christ will HEAL!
We are all great sinners in need of a great Savior. All sinners need our love and compassion. But the wrath of God is severe and the call to all must vividly point out their sin and even more so the Savior, urging all to join us as humbled repenters clinging to Christ in faith.
In our Christian walk, we need to completely surrender. We need to give God our relationships, our work, our finances and our passions; our future, our present and our past. We need to seek His direction and pursue His plan for us with every step.
I wish more American believers realized that there is a place for holiness to occur in secular venues.
We do not understand Jesus if we think he’s simply a good teacher, a good example and a good man. Jesus’ singular purpose and mission in life was to die for sinners.
The spiritual man will stand next to his brother, not over him.
Be in prayer for students who are searching for answers right now. Pray that they will rely on the truth of Scripture. Pray that God will give them the understanding they need and the heart to accept what they don’t. #ReachEveryStudent
Making disciples of all nations starts in your backyard.
I hope that I never get over the amazing grace of our God. As long as we never get over it, we will continue to serve Him the way He desires.
Keith Box
Director of missions
Marion Baptist Association
Continue to pray for churches doing Vacation Bible School. I’ve attended 18 to date and have seen good attendance. Pray for the gospel to penetrate young hearts.
Ken Allen
Associational missions director
DeKalb Baptist Association
Have you grasped — really, truly grasped — the depth of God’s love for you? Not just for humanity but for you personally?
Grace Thornton
“Unshakable Pursuit”
God was up while you slept. Now that you’re up, trust that He’ll have just as much control of your day as He did of your night.
Jackie Hill Perry
In these summer months, we are praying for all Southern Baptists to practice generosity faithfully so our churches can maximize their evangelistic opportunities through ministries like Vacation Bible School, student and children camps, as well as local, national and global mission experiences. Our world desperately needs each of us to live and breathe gospel urgency every single day.
Ronnie Floyd
President and CEO
SBC Executive Committee
No doubt, you’ve heard the voice of fear. It says the task in front of you is impossible. … Fear plays a broken record in your mind of all the worst possible outcomes. … If you listen to fear, it will tell you to run when you should take a stand. It will urge you to keep quiet when you should speak up. Fear will prompt you to quit when you should stay and linger when you should leave. It’s no wonder the Bible addresses the topic of fear so much. Over 300 times God commanded us in so many words to stop being afraid!
When you know God has called you to a purpose, you can step into that role — no matter how frightening — because you are confident that God is in control. Fear may not disappear but that’s when courage becomes stronger than fear.
Jackie Green and Lauren Green McAfee
Authors of “Legacy”
Confess your sins to one another, friends. Not the fake real ones but the really real ones. It’s worth it.
Veronica Greear
The Summit Church
Raleigh-Durham, N.C.
I’ve never preached a sermon on immigration. I have, however, preached many a sermon on human needs and our call to serve Jesus by meeting human needs.
I have no idea how to fix a border crisis, immigration policy or anything that falls within the galaxy of issues in these areas. But I do know how to provide help and assistance to those in need. I’ll stick with the latter.
William Thornton
SBC Voices
Your journey … reveals how God has worked in your life.
Kandi Gallaty
Author and trainer at Replicate Ministries
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