‘The Spirit intercedes’ and God provides at Shocco Springs
By Russell Klinner
Executive director, Shocco Springs
Before the arrival of Hurricane Zeta at Shocco Springs on Oct. 29, we were scheduled to host a couple of groups on campus for the following weekend.
With the overall lack of guests so far in 2020, this was set to be a decent weekend, and we were all looking forward to it.
However, the storms came in and wrecked those plans.
The power went out Wednesday night when trees fell across multiple power lines on our campus, as well as on the lines feeding to campus.
We scrambled staff and moved food to generator-powered freezers, cleared the roads and made all the preparations possible for the power to be restored quickly, in hopes that campus would be ready for us to host the expected guests.
On Friday morning, I contacted a former board member who is affiliated with Alabama Power Company to see if he could do a little research and let me know when our power would be restored.
The news wasn’t good. Ultimately, it was late Saturday night when power was restored to central campus. Sunday morning with my family in the car on our way to church, I shared my frustrations with God.
We worked so hard to be ready for guests that we desperately needed, and now we couldn’t host them. This is why we exist as an organization. Why wasn’t the power back on earlier on Friday? Why? What’s the deal? What were we doing wrong?
Over and over, these doubts and concerns kept running through my conversation with God.
As I walked into Sunday School downtrodden, I received the following text that began to open my eyes to His plan, and answered my why: “Good morning, Russell. Do you have 100 beds?” It was from one of my other friends at Alabama Power who works with disaster restoration.
What has happened since then has been nothing short of God’s will at work. Beginning Sunday night, we were able to host about 180 linemen from Florida Power and Light.
The leader of the group, Michael, came onto our campus frustrated. While working in Georgia, he had been tasked midday with moving 180 crew, trucks, equipment and support staff to Talladega.
As he arrived on our campus, his frustration turned to relief. Instead of the usual logistic problems with multiple hotels and other issues, he found that our amazing staff were prepared and ready to house all of the linemen at Shocco.
Over the course of the week, my staff and I had the opportunity to have true gospel conversations.
As they were leaving, the union leader on their line crew wanted to talk with us. He shared that as a kid he had come to Shocco and experienced what we do first hand. As a result, he and the crew had taken up a generous offering to support Shocco’s ministry.
I was so frustrated we weren’t able to host the groups we expected during the week, but I realized that if they had been on campus, it would have been nearly impossible for us to serve those incoming linemen.
As always, God was working ahead of me and I am so thankful. God truly works ALL things for good for those who are called according to His purpose.
I am humbled every day as I continue to see God’s hand of provision for this ministry of His called Shocco Springs.
Letters to the editor
The Oct. 15 My Rashionale editorial, “What have you learned in 2020? How has it changed you?” has not been a topic I have thought about on a deep level.
My husband and I discussed this article at length and realized there have been some “good times” and some “not so good times.” But through it all, God has been in control and will continue to be; nothing takes Him by surprise.
After sharing our thoughts that evening, we stepped outside and saw a beautiful rainbow! My immediate thought was, our God keeps His promises, and the words to the chorus of the hymn, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” came to mind.
“… All I have needed thy hand hath provided …” was expressed in this hymn by T.O. Chisholm in 1923. Perhaps in the remainder of 2020 and beyond, we will prayerfully say, thank You God for all we have needed, not wanted.
We need the Lord, and we need each other. Let us be ever mindful of opportunities to share Christ with others who are in need.
Sue Rash
Cairo, Ga.
Jennifer, I just wanted to let you know I think you and the TAB team are doing a fantastic job! The Fruitful magazine for this year’s Alabama Baptist State Convention was exceptional. The content you and your team continue to deliver is helpful and encouraging to me and so many others. Thank you so much for all that you do!
Pastor Andy Frazier
Grace Baptist Church
Sumiton, Ala.
Just a note to thank you for including Joanne Sloan’s “Heroes of the Faith” in The Alabama Baptist. It’s my favorite column. It is timely, informative and well-written.
Anne Counselman
Thomaston, Ala.
TAB staff and friends help double our reach
I enjoy sharing about TAB and sometimes gifting a subscription.
Jim Oakley
Centreville, Ala.
Because I have the best friends on the planet, and because I thought they could use some encouraging news and might like to read some uplifting stories on faith — I invited all my friends on Facebook to like TAB. And they ended up encouraging me with all their love and support! #bestfriendsever
Annette Brown
Guest services coordinator
I share TAB with my friends on Facebook and in person.
Deb Lowery
Financial assistant
“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”
From “Mary’s Song” Luke 1:46–47
We often question His plan; we often doubt Him. In retrospect, we’re like, “Oh, man! He was working something out all along!”
Ayiesha Woods
Christian music artist
You don’t have to agree with me, for me to treat you like a person made in the image of God deserves to be treated. God has given you that right by the essence of your existence. Who am I to deny that?
Pastor Terrence Jones
Strong Tower at Washington Park via Facebook
Hate leads to captivity, but exercising forgiveness sets you free.
Pastor emeritus Jay Wolf
FBC Montgomery
“Our churches should be little oases of love and harmony in the middle of a world that feels like it’s tearing itself apart.”
Jimmy Scroggins, lead pastor
Family Church in West Palm Beach, Florida, preaching during Nov. 16 virtual Alabama Baptist Pastors Conference
Heavenly Father, thank you for all things. Father, please forgive us our sins. Forgive us when we care less for others, when we forget that we are our brother’s keepers. Forgive us when we strike out in anger with words or with fists. Forgive us when we forget that you created us all — male and female, all races and ethnicities. Forgive us when our hearts are so hard that we can’t see the good around us. Please, Father, forgive us for continuously grieving your heart with our foolishness. We thank you for each daily mercy, to try again to be better, to do better, to live as you created us — in your own image — in Love.
In Jesus’ name we pray and praise. Amen.
Help us, Lord, to be better.
Vernet Clemons Nettles
Don’t underestimate the power of open, honest and vulnerable dialogue with the youth in your church about their worries, anxieties and fears.
Shane Pruitt
Executive director of next gen evangelism, NAMB
From the Twitterverse
“God loves the church with a love too deep for human imagination: he loves her with all his infinite heart.” — Charles Spurgeon
Those who are forgiven much, love much. And if you don’t love much, it’s because you are unaware of, or detached from, your forgiveness. #InStep
Theological progressivism, which produces liberal Christianity, is the greatest threat to America and the world. It destroys every school, institution, church it touches. This is the real battle for the future of our nation.
The reason many people burn out in ministry is because they don’t have an interior life (intimacy with God) to support their busy exterior life (service to God.). One thing you can’t cut corners on is your personal relationship with Jesus.
There is power in gratitude that changes us completely. Choose to be grateful, even in 2020.
God, help me to rely on Your word for encouragement. Help me to continue on. Create in me a desire to march on mission and to be obedient to what You say, no matter what comes against me.
According to Lifeway Research, over 60% of church members have not shared the gospel with anyone in the past six months. The Great Commission is more than a great suggestion. God calls His people to share His good news!
Spiritual pride is the illusion that we are competent to run our own lives, achieve our own sense of self-worth and find a purpose big enough to give us meaning in life without God. — Timothy Keller
Is this how we are living our lives? “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Eph. 5:1–2).
I don’t cry much. But when I do, it’s usually when I’m writing a sermon. Tears of pure joy in the gospel. Nothing moves me like Jesus.
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