Most ministry in the church isn’t done in the spotlight. The pastor and musicians are in the spotlight. But most ministry is done in the shadows. It’s done in love because there’s a need and the laborers aren’t looking for public acclaim.
Pastor Michael J. Brooks
Siluria Baptist Church, Alabaster
We need to be humble leaders who realize our responsibility, daily grow in our faith, challenge our people as needed, and work through the tough times with a heart that honors Christ.
Chuck Lawless
Author, professor, church consultant
Partnership, healthy partnership, is built on the foundation of mutual trust and personal sacrifice.
Rick Lance
executive director, Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions
Leadership is not about titles or positions, it is about influencing others to move a cause/mission/objective to the next level.
Dan Moran
Dan Moran Ministries
The most important time to believe that God’s promises never fail are when they seem to have failed.
Pastor Matt Mason
The Church at Brook Hills, Birmingham
What is it today that you can give to Christ? Maybe it’s the TV show that pulls your thoughts and desires away from godly things. Maybe it’s the music you listen to that isn’t glorifying to God. Maybe you can give 30 minutes in the morning, at night or on your lunch break praying and reading the word of God.
You know what it is that pulls you away from God and toward the things of this earth. Take intentional steps to eliminate those things and put all of your faith and hope in Jesus Christ. Know who God is, be thankful for everything that He’s given you and be ready to surrender it all back to Him for the sake of His kingdom.
Jessica Ingram
The Rope blog
One boy, one week off phone, YouTube and games — laughing, reading, playing, engaging, & TALKING to his family. Priceless.
I’m finding “grounded” life is the best life from mom’s perspective.
Mitzi Gibbs Eaker
What gets emphasized gets recognized and what gets recognized gets emphasized. You can talk about what people should be doing until you are blue in the face (as the old saying goes), but if it is not recognizable in your life others will not apply it in their lives.
Pastor, if you want people to build relationships outside the church with unchurched people, then that trait needs to be recognized in your life as an ongoing trait lived out by you regularly.
Bottom line: if we want others to do or act a particular way, then we must be willing to get right down in the trenches (as muddy as they may be) with our team, our congregation, not pushing but leading them by our own example, leading the change.
George Yates
Church health strategist, State Board of Missions
God gave you today.
What are we going to do with it?
Becky Ellison
WMU strategist for CWJC/CMJC
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