As a child, I often heard my mother sing those beautiful old hymns as she worked. Anyone would agree that Mother certainly didn’t have a trained voice for singing. She never was asked to sing in the church choir. But she made a joyful noise unto the Lord (Ps. 98:4), and she sang because she was happy. When preparing a family meal, she often sang “Amazing Grace” and was thankful for the food she prepared. When working in the flower or vegetable garden, she might hum “In the Garden.”
I grew up hearing these hymns not only in my church but also in my home. They are part of our heritage. The words strengthen our faith. The music brings comfort and fellowship with God.
Depending on the age of the congregation, some Baptist churches use a blended style of worship that appeals to the younger generation. We must remember that the message is the most important — how the words bring us closer to God — not the presentation or entertainment that accompanies a hymn.
These hymns not only make our faith stronger, but the stories that go with them touch our lives. For example, “Amazing Grace,” written by John Newton (1725–1807), has an interesting story. Newton had been a slave trafficker before he felt called to the ministry, and he kept a diary of his spiritual change. Another example is “It Is Well with My Soul” by Horatio G. Spafford (1828–1888). Spafford wrote the words to this beautiful hymn after his children went down with a ship disaster at sea.
‘Stood the test of time’
Checking the Baptist Hymnal, many of these familiar hymns were written 200 or more years ago; they have stood the test of time. We continue to sing them today.
Many congregations report that music in our churches is as important as the sermon. Music sets the tone for the service to follow. Our hymns have the best message for believers.
“When we leave worship, we carry these hymns in our hearts. We are transformed by singing and hearing the solid theology that has endured for generations,” said Tanner Vines, pastor of worship and social media at Gardendale First Baptist Church. FBC Gardendale offers two services. In the contemporary service, Vines often uses the words of the hymns and creates music to accompany the words. Everything doesn’t have to be upbeat; it can also be soft and gentle.
“In our church, hymns play such a crucial role in unifying the different ages and stages of life represented,” Vines said. “They foster fond memories for our older adults and teach strong Biblical truths for our younger generation. Whether dealing with mountaintop or valley moments, hymns speak and nourish our souls through their strong foundations in Scripture.”
Ken Patterson is the minister of music at First Baptist Church Guntersville. He emphasizes singing outside of church.
“Singing the hymns throughout the week solidifies our life in Christ. If we continue to do this, we experience spiritual growth that will endure. We hold the words in our hearts.”
It would be impossible to count the ways our faith is made stronger through singing and knowing these hymns. Each individual church has its favorites that are sung during the worship service. They bring back memories of days gone by and loved ones who have gone on to heaven. These suggestions are only a few.
Eternal life
Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound — Ephesians 1:7
How Great Thou Art — Deuteronomy 33:26
My Faith Looks Up to Thee — Isaiah 45:22
Fellowship with God
Abide with Me — Luke 24:29
Close to Thee — James 4:8
I Am Thine, O Lord — Hebrews 10:22
Go, Tell It on the Mountain — Luke 2:17
Living for Jesus — Colossians 1:10
Lord, Send a Revival — Psalm 80:18
Because He Lives — John 14:19
Count Your Blessings — Psalm 107:31
God Will Take Care of You — 1 Peter 5:7
Serve the Lord with Gladness — Psalm 100:2
We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes — Galatians 6:9
I Gave My Life for Thee — John 10:11
God’s love for us
Share His Love — Acts 5:42
To God Be the Glory — Galatians 1:4–5
God Is So Good — 1 Chronicles 16:34
Guidance and care
All the Way My Savior Leads Me — Deuteronomy 32:12
Because He Lives — John 14:19
Day by Day — Psalm 68:19
Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me — Psalm 94:22
Grace, Greater Than Our Sin — Romans 5:20
“Whosoever” Meaneth Me — Romans 10:13
Praise and adoration
A Mighty Fortress is Our God — Psalm 46:1
Come, Thou Almighty King — Psalm 24:10
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing — Revelation 22:1
Heaven Came Down — Acts 9:31
Ring the Bells of Heaven — Luke 15:10
Old Rugged Cross — John 19:17
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