First Church, Tuscaloosa, recognized its pianist Barbara Smith for 25 years of service July 9. That evening, Smith performed a miniconcert and was presented with
Broken Arrow Church, Wattsville, will celebrate its 116th anniversary and homecoming Aug. 20 at 10 a.m. Blessed, a trio from Gadsden, will perform. A covered-dish
Phillip Russell is the new pastor of First Church, Roanoke. Russell comes to First, Roanoke, with his wife, Ronna. Originally from Tuscumbia, he previously served
Memorial Heights Church, Montgomery, will celebrate its 57th homecoming Aug. 27 at 11 a.m. Noel Walker will speak. There will be a covered-dish luncheon at
Azalea Church, Mobile, will sponsor a gospel singing Aug. 19 at 6 p.m. Guest singers will include The Hendersons, Endless Praise, Renewed Trio, Louis McBride