Hospital Visitation

Hospital Visitation

Thank you for the July 19 article about hospital visitation. I would like to add a comment regarding the article.

On the part about dressing appropriately for hospital visitation – amen. In my opinion, that means a shirt and tie and coat when the weather calls for such. As clergy, we are to set an example. I, on the other hand, don’t see the need of a Bible tucked under our arms.

The article cited an example of a man visiting his wife after the birth of their child. Let me share another example.

I was in a rather large regional hospital when I encountered another pastor wearing blue jeans, jogging shoes and a sweatshirt. I asked if he was just out rambling, but was told he had a church member who was in ICU. When I asked him if it was a rush call, he told me no but that it was just a visit. All the clergy side of me wanted to almost scream, looking like that?

I realize that in the contemporary ideas of our day it is appropriate to dress casually for hospital visits, business connections and for the clergy to even wear sports shirts and blue jeans for Sunday night preaching, but this is lamentable.

Let’s return some of the public respect for the clergy by looki8ng, acting and talking like the people we are supposed to b4e in our calling. I am in my 47th year as a pastor and dress casually, but not in my official capacity.

L. Maynard McGinty
Lanett, Ala.