

I continue to be amazed every time I read a George Barna study or article about how denominational affiliation is decreasing (Sept. 22 issue of The Alabama Baptist). The problem appears so very simple to me. The Southern Baptist Convention leaders and seminary presidents need to return their focus to a positive promotion of the uniqueness and positive elements of the Baptist Faith and Message, including congregational polity.

Pastors should teach their congregations that they have a responsibility to speak to God as individuals and then collectively rule the local churches.

The trend over the past 15 years for pastors to move toward centralizing power to themselves and a few elders or deacons has placed many great lay leaders on the shelf. When Baptist individuals do not feel they are an integral part of finding and performing God’s will in the local church, they tend to drift from church to church, looking for a place to serve and connect to God. They are discouraged when the unspoken message is to give their money and attend and don’t worry about talking to God; the senior pastor and elders will do that and tell them what God says.

Ron Travis Sr.
Birmingham, Ala.