Lineville Baptist hosts VBS for nearby church

Lineville Baptist hosts VBS for nearby church

Lineville Baptist Church in Carey Baptist Association hosted Vacation Bible School (VBS) on its campus for Berea Baptist Church, Heflin, during the week of June 11. 

The partnership began between Lineville Baptist and Berea Baptist, a predominately Hispanic church in Cleburne Baptist Association, to grant its members a way to engage in the gospel through VBS fun and recreation.  

“We enjoy the partnership we have with the Berea Baptist Church,” said C.J. Andrews, associate pastor of Lineville Baptist. 

Lineville Baptist member Barbara DeCourcey taught the preschool class with the week’s theme of God being all-powerful. 

“We taught them about miracles and what God is capable of doing in our lives,” she said. 

DeCourcey has traveled on three missions trips to Mexico and is fluent in Spanish. She was able to teach the preschoolers in Spanish.

She recalls the initial connection of the two churches when she and some other members began to teach English to Spanish speaking individuals and met some of the members of Berea Baptist.

“One of the girls that I taught was baptized at my church,” she said. “That was so awesome to see.”

During the four-day VBS, Lineville’s church bus provided transportation for children to and from the church. The VBS included crafts, a lesson and supper. 

In the preschool class, DeCourcey said the attendance grew every night, reaching 15 students by week’s end. 

(Brittney Knox, TAB intern)