God clearly is on the side of ‘the least of these’ and the Bible tells us that one day Jesus will ask us face to face about our response to hungry people (Matt. 25),” said Russell D. Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.
With a renewed focus on giving bread — and the Bread of Life — to those who hunger and thirst across North America and the world, the SBC is encouraging support for the newly rebranded Global Hunger Relief (GHR) initiative, formerly the World Hunger Fund.
GHR-funded projects combat hunger in a variety of ways including disaster relief, addressing chronic hunger caused by famine or other reasons, eliminating urban food deserts and helping women rescued from sex trafficking, according to GHR’s website, globalhungerrelief.com.
GHR also works to create long-term change in extreme poverty situations by running projects that involve job training, livestock and seeds, farm improvement, clean water, home reconstruction, medical care and hygiene education.
The projects work in collaboration with North American Mission Board (NAMB) and International Mission Board (IMB) strategies, and donations made to the fund are distributed according to the formula established by the SBC — 20 percent to NAMB and 80 percent to IMB. To give online to GHR, visit globalhungerrelief.com/giving.
“As Southern Baptists move forward under the new banner of Global Hunger Relief, we also need a new mindset,” Moore said.
“We should … confront our fear that the problem is so overwhelming that one small group or one church won’t be able to make a difference. While it’s true that over 1 billion people in the world don’t have enough to eat … Southern Baptists already are sharing bread and the Bread of Life … because of our hunger gifts.
“Perhaps most important, let’s refuse to use our spiritual missions as an excuse to ignore the physical or social realities around us,” Moore said.
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