Wife of imprisoned pastor Saeed Abedini organizes Sept. 26 prayer vigil

Wife of imprisoned pastor Saeed Abedini organizes Sept. 26 prayer vigil

The wife of imprisoned American pastor Saeed Abedini is on a 21-day “Daniel” fast and is organizing prayer vigils internationally Sept. 26, the third anniversary of her husband’s imprisonment in Iran for his Christian faith.

Naghmeh Abedini, in asking Christians to pray for her husband and the persecuted Church, also is promoting a campaign to ask United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to advocate for Abedini’s release when Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks Sept. 28 at the U.N. General Assembly in New York.

Naghmeh Abedini will attend a prayer rally for her husband and other persecuted Christians, Sept. 28, 7 p.m. at Calvary Chapel, Old Bridge, New Jersey. In advance of the U.N. sessions that began Sept. 15, she addressed more 100 members of parliaments from 50 nations who held a meeting on international religious freedom in New York, urging the lawmakers to take action in their home countries to encourage her husband’s release.

In a Facebook post Naghmeh Abedini wrote about her husband: “I made sure that he was told that I had not given up the fight … for his release. … That despite government shortcomings, none of us were giving up. That we were getting on our knees and praying and fasting for him each day leading up to the prayer vigil.”

To register for a prayer vigil, visit the Be Heard Project of the American Center for Law and Justice website, beheardproject.com/prayer-vigil/saeed. Four opportunities are available nationwide through Facebook and teleconferencing, including a 24-hour prayer conference call at 712-775-7035, through access code 281207, from Sept. 26, 8 p.m. to Sept. 27, 7 p.m.

“The Lord is showing me that as we pray for Saeed and the persecuted Church and remember the ‘witnesses,’ revival can be brought into our own life and in our country,” Naghmeh Abedini said.
