Morris’ Liberty Baptist celebrates 125 years

Morris’ Liberty Baptist celebrates 125 years

Willard Davis, who has served as pastor of Liberty Baptist Church, Morris, for 36 years, celebrated a “fantastic” 125th anniversary with his church Sept. 25, he said.

There were several special guests during the Sunday morning service including Johnie Sentell, Alabama Baptist Historical Commission representative, who presented the North Jefferson Baptist Association church with a plaque; Steve Loggins, North Jefferson Association director of missions, who shared the morning message; and Steven Myers, former member, who shared how the church influenced his life as he became a missionary and children’s minister.

Daphne Mulvehill, the oldest living member, was recognized during the service and the church choir provided special music.

Photo albums and the original minutes of the church also were displayed for participants to view. (Compiled by the Alabama Baptist Historical Commission and TAB)