A Certain Trumpet — Portraits of Jesus: Jesus the Door, John 10:9

A Certain Trumpet — Portraits of Jesus: Jesus the Door, John 10:9

A door represents a safe place to enter for most people, a place where one can close out all the things that threaten him or her. It also represents the way back into a world where life can be difficult and sometimes dangerous.

For me it was just the opposite. Going through the door of our home meant freedom, freedom from a life of abuse and a never-ending work schedule. As a child the most exciting part of my day was leaving all that was supposed to be at home and going out into the unknown. I found the unknown to be a place where I could be myself and, for a few hours, live without fear. But there was always the reality of going home and I hated it.

Past doors

It is tragic to live a life of betrayal, especially by the ones who are supposed to take care of you. Remember the door swings both ways. When I was 14, I walked out and never came back. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., I felt “free at last.” 

Before you feel too sorry for me I would like to tell you it was those past doors that Christ used in my life to help me find my way to the true Door. The Door that leads all of us to the Shepherd of our souls, the One who heals our broken hearts and judges those who do us harm.

John 10:9 says, “I am the Door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” When Jesus spoke these words He wanted His readers to have a clear understanding of just how a shepherd in Israel cared for his sheep. He also wanted to illustrate how He would care for those who were willing to receive Him as their Shepherd.

Providing protection

In the Middle East, sheep were commonly kept in a walled enclosure, having only one entrance in and one exit out. The shepherd would place himself at the door of the enclosure ensuring that no sheep ventured out and no beast of prey entered in. It is a picture of One who would give His life for His sheep. And when it was time for the sheepfold to move on the shepherd would call to his sheep and lead them to their destination by walking before them and providing the protection they needed.

That is who Jesus is and what He was teaching. He wanted His listeners to know He is the Door, the only Door that can lead someone into the way of eternal life. 

All other ways are to be considered as thieves and robbers, false religious leaders who are only interested in fleecing the sheep and guiding them down a road that leads to destruction. 

Security and nourishment

In contrast Jesus the Good Shepherd offers those who will hear His voice and follow Him a life of security and nourishment. He leads them in and out to find green pasture. A place where the thief can’t steal, kill and destroy. A place where those who have put their trust in Him have life to live in the most abundant way.

If you are facing the difficult doors of life and all you are finding is pain, frustration and rejection, may I recommend a different door? 

This Door leads to a life that is out of this world, but you can only go through it by receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior. 

If you will receive Him, you will find a pasture that is green and lush and a Shepherd who is willing to lead you and protect you all the way to heaven. My prayer for you is if you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, you will open up your heart today and surrender your life to Him.