‘Justus Township’
“… Scripture gives no comfort to anyone who would resort to armed struggle because one lost a debate or an election. The Bible offers no comfort to any who would place themselves above the law or outside of government’s reach. …”
—April 1996, Second Place, Evangelical Press Association
‘The Cost of Restructuring the SBC’
“… World Vision has experienced continued cultural shock and stress among its employees. … Children are struggling in school. Spouses are having trouble adjusting. Finding a church home has been a problem for many. All of this affects production. …”
—May 1996, Honorable Mention, Associated Church Press
‘A Wound in the Baptist Body’
One in a series of editorials and articles about an Alabama Baptist entity
“… We all know that one wounded part pains the whole body. So it is with our Alabama Baptist body. A wound to one part of the body wounds the entire body. The pain is never localized. It radiates from the wound through the entire body. …”
—June 1997, First Place, Baptist Communicators Association
‘IMB Relations With China’
A series of articles dealing with the IMB and the China Christian Council (CCC)
“… Secrets are hard to keep in China. … The IMB was ready … to place Christians in openings. … The China Christian Council argues that many of the businesses are illegal fronts for doing religious work. As such, they jeopardize the relationship of the CCC with the government, they say. …”
—February 1998, Second Place, Baptist Communicators Association
‘God Welcomed Her Home’
“… When Eleanor’s heart stopped and her life lay in the balance, family members and friends fasted and prayed asking God to heal her. … But Eleanor died. … For us there was not miracle-like intervention though we prayed for it to the end. But God was faithful to us in every way. …”
—August 1998, First Place, Baptist Communicators Association
Award of Merit, Associated Church Press
‘Who Votes for the Lottery?’
One in a series of editorials and articles covering the lottery vote in 1999
“… The state-sponsored lottery can be defeated in Alabama. To do so, Alabama Baptists, as the largest religious group in the state, must be anchored in their opposition to the evil of state-sponsored gambiling. We cannot let happen here what happened in Mississippi.”
—September 1999, First Place, Evangelical Press Association
‘Is Soul Competency Under Attack?’
“… Now soul competency itself is under attack. … The words are strong and scary. … Such a development would echo the days of the Inquisition when religious authority rode roughshod over the souls of dissenting believers. …”
—June 2000, Award of Merit, Associated Church Press
‘Experiencing a Call to Life’
“… God has a way of teaching us lessons in the most unexpected ways. … About 1 p.m. on Monday, I had been in the cemetery consumed with grief. Twenty-four hours later I was celebrating life. … God calls us to life, even in the midst of death. …”
—January 2001, Award of Merit, Associated Church Press
‘Government Permission to Witness?’
“… It is important that freedom of religion and freedom of speech be affirmed … for Baptists, for Methodists, for Catholics as well as for Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. Freedom of religion and freedom of speech are not reserved for the most powerful or the most popular. They are constitutional rights for all. …”
—March 2002, Honorable Mention, Associated Church Press
‘Reflections on Romans 8:28’
“… When evil claimed Eleanor’s physical life, God was there to rescue her from death’s icy grasp. … When chaos swirled around me, God was present through His people and through special people He brought into my life. God’s love would not let me go. … In the fullness of time, God brought Pat Hart into my life. Through her, love and life and joy returned. …”
—April 2002, First Place, Baptist Communicators Association
Third Place, Evangelical Press Association
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