I am a career missionary with the International Mission Board. My family and I served in South America for nine years before transferring to a different field in the 10/40 Window. Both my wife and I are from Alabama and received The Alabama Baptist free of charge during our time in South America due to the generosity of Alabama Baptists.
Now that we serve in a security 3 area of the world, we can no longer receive religious materials in the mail. However, we can view The Alabama Baptist Online by using a secure server. Since I know that a quality Web site is no easy or inexpensive task to maintain, I wanted to send a note of thanks for this resource. Just being able to read about what is happening back home is a great gift to those of us who live in a relative spiritual vacuum. We appreciate those who help provide this service.
I would also like to commend Dr. Terry for his recent opinion piece concerning gambling. Gambling is a blight on every culture that I have studied up close. It represents every base instinct of unregenerate mankind and ignores Jesus’ command to love rather than covet and to serve rather than be served. Dr. Terry did a good job pointing out why conscientious Christians should avoid this evil in our midst. Thank you for The Alabama Baptist.
Anonymous missionary
International Mission Board
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