A heavenly visitor

A heavenly visitor

“You did not recognize the time of your visitation” (Luke 19:44).

Jesus’ ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday was accompanied by great cheers and loud adulations. It all seemed so wonderful! However, Jesus responded to the excited applause by crying (Luke 19:41). He knew the crowd wanted Him only for the fulfillment of their personal dreams. They were not interested in being delivered from sins nor transformed into people who could honor God.

Thus, while the people shouted praises, Jesus wept and gave them grave news: destruction and chaos lay ahead because they failed to “recognize the time of their visitation.”

Jesus now moves through the streets of our lives — this is the day of His visitation. Do we cheer Him as a Savior who can fulfill our desires? Adore Him because He makes our dreams come true and our lives more comfortable? Is that what our relationship with Jesus is about?

Let us not miss this “day of His visitation” and bring sorrow to His heart by self-centered worship. Let us bow before Him and ask Him to do whatever is necessary to cleanse us from all sin and make us pleasing to God.

Bob Adams
Retired pastor