Alabama-Crenshaw DOM sees God at work during first year at association

Alabama-Crenshaw DOM sees God at work during first year at association

Jack Anderson has been director of missions for Alabama-Crenshaw Baptist Association for a little more than a year now. In the time since he retired from LifeWay Christian Store in Montgomery, he’s made roughly 150 visits in his association’s churches. 

And he said it’s been nothing short of pure joy.

“It’s the culmination of a 40-plus-year dream,” Anderson said. “When I first went into ministry in 1972, I dreamed of going into denominational work.”

He served different places along the way, including more than 22 years as minister of education and activities at Southside Baptist Church, Montgomery, and most recently as interim and then bivocational pastor of Bradleyton Baptist Church, Grady, in Alabama-Crenshaw Association, for five years.

“Through it all, I’m amazed at two things — that the Lord chooses to use any of us, and that He chooses to use me,” Anderson said.

The association of mostly rural churches is growing all the time in its passion for missions, he said. In 2018 they were the largest per capita giver to the backpack project in Kentucky, and they also go regularly on missions trips, both national and international.

“It’s been a good year,” Anderson said. “And we’re looking forward to what God will do this year too.” (Grace Thornton)