Alabamians spread word in Venezuela

Alabamians spread word in Venezuela

This summer, 54 Alabama Baptists –including 19 pastors—traveled to Venezuela to minister to Baptist churches in this partner country. The weeklong trip, Aug. 10-17, was arranged through the partnership the Alabama State Convention has with the Venezuela Baptist Convention. Venezuelan churches may request construction or building teams, church planters, Woman’s Missionary Union training or other types of teams, depending on their ministry needs.

“We get requests from Venezuela since we’re in partnership with them,” said Max Croft, associate in evangelism at the State Board of Missions (SBOM). “They told us what kind of trip they needed most this time and since it was evangelism, our department set it up and made the arrangements.”

The missions team broke up into 11 small teams, and each team went to a different town in Venezuela. Croft went on the trip and served in a community called Anaco. His team worked with a local pastor who has planted nine missions churches around that area.

“The people were very open and responsive to the gospel,” Croft

(Please see ‘Missions,’ page 5)