“All believers are invited to come and pray” Feb. 12 at the Alabama State House in Montgomery, said Greg Davis, president of Alabama Citizens Action Program.
ALCAP is hosting the prayer rally for the fourth year. It begins at 11 a.m. and is a time for Christians to pray generally for the state and issues that are important to the residents, Davis noted. Participants will also get updates about important legislation that may be considered during the session, which begins Feb. 4.
‘Legislative issues matter’
“It’s a great feeling of unity and recognizing that the legislative issues matter,” Davis said. “It’s important when things matter that we pray about those things.”
Craig Carlisle, president of the Alabama Baptist State Convention and director of missions for Etowah Baptist Association, along with other special guests, will be present and helping lead the prayer time.
“Scripture admonishes and encourages us to pray for our leaders,” Carlisle said. “I believe this includes national, state and local leaders. I’m grateful to Greg Davis for making sure we do this for the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our government in Alabama.”
There will be a time of prayer for the judicial and executive branches as well.
This year ALCAP is adding a lunch after the time of prayer. Davis said it will be across the street and costs $10 per person. To register, visit alcap.com.
Participants also could coordinate with their legislators to visit with them that day.
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