Billy Kim
President, Baptist World Alliance
“What a tragic event has occurred to humanity! Our hearts go out to the victims of this malicious attack. We will pray (for) wisdom for the difficult decisions which need to be made. We continue to uphold the victims and their families in prayer.”
Gary Nelson
General Secretary, Canadian Baptist Ministries
“As Canadian Baptists and your neighbors, we express our solidarity with you. We are aware that while this attack was on America, it is an assault at much different levels that are global in their ramifications. It is in times like this that our global citizenship, and more importantly, our citizenship in Jesus Christ, touches us most deeply.”
Zhabu Terhuja
Nagaland Baptist Church Council
“We are appalled at the destruction and we stand by our fellow human beings in America. The Nagas acknowledge their indebtedness to the people of the United States for the message of hope and salvation in Jesus Christ.”
Euro-Asiatic Federation Churches
Baptist Union, Russia
“We are shocked by what happened in America! Thousands of guiltless people became victims of this terrible terrorist raid. We are praying together that God will console relatives of dead people and give you a power to carry this terrible tragedy and work on His field for your people.”
Baptist Association of South Africa
“We were shocked to see on television the events in the USA. Be assured of our prayers for you and your country.”
The Union of Evangelical Christian-Baptist in former Yugoslavia
“We sympathize with your people and we will continue to pray for you in these hard days, especially for families of killed people. What we can do from this side is to pray for you and your government to overcome this situation by decisive and wise steps.”
Philip Skinner
General Superintendent
Australian Baptists of New South Wales
“We will uphold you all in prayer and continue to seek solutions to world problems by efforts to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Baptists in El Salvador
“We do not have words to express how we feel about the things that have happened. We assure you of our prayers.”
Peder A. Eidberg
Baptist Union of Norway
“We … are choked by what is happening. We are praying for (everyone involved). We send you our condolences and sympathy and hope the people responsible for this terrorist attack may be caught.”
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