In and around war-torn Gaza, Baptist groups are already at work providing relief.
A three-member medical team from Hungarian Baptist Aid is in Egypt, helping both Palestinians and Israelis affected by the current crisis. Baptist World Aid (BWAid), the relief and development arm of Baptist World Alliance, also sent an initial grant of $10,000 for medical treatment of people who have fled the fighting.
Other planned relief projects include counseling and relief programs in the heavily bombed Israeli city of Sderot, said BWAid Director Paul Montacute.
Southern Baptist workers are monitoring the situation in Gaza and looking for opportunities for relief efforts there. Other Baptist groups are also sending funds to the area.
As for how national Baptists in the area have fared, the Gaza Baptist Church building has sustained damage over the last several weeks. According to a Christian worker, the majority of the damage occurred Dec. 27 when a police station across the street took a direct hit.
The fighting first broke out that day when the Israeli Air Force launched a series of attacks on targets throughout Gaza, including that police station. The attacks were retaliation against rocket and mortar fire against Israeli towns and villages by Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza. U.S. Secretary of State Condolezza Rice said that, by firing on Israel, Hamas broke the cease-fire and is “responsible … for the renewal of violence there,” according to CNN.
(Compiled from wire services)
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