For Alabama’s youngest associational director of missions (DOM), work is not as much about switching hats as it is about wearing them will simultaneously.
For the past two years, Jake Duke, 31, has served as Bigbee Baptist Association DOM as well as Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM) minister for the University of West Alabama (UWA). “When I was hired, I was told my job description was two-thirds campus ministry and one-third DOM. But it’s hard to break it up like that – it’s usually 100 percent of both,” Duke said.
It’s a challenge he rises to willingly – his heart’s been saturated with the area for a long time. Duke grew up in a Bigbee church – York Baptist- and was involved in BCM at UWA while a student there.
“I had no idea I would ever be back here doing this now,” Duke said. He and his wife, Jannalee, moved back after he completed his master back after he completed his master of divinity degree at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. The two are members of First Baptist Church, Livingston.
In the only job of this description in the state, Duke said he enjoys watching the students help lead in the churches – and watching the churches minister to the students.
“The churches provide lunch for the students on Thursdays, and some of the students lead services at the churches,” Duke said. “I love seeing the students using the gifts God has given them like that.”
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