Cloues retires from State Board of Missions

Cloues retires from State Board of Missions

Steve Cloues heard Harper Shannon say when he retired as director of evangelism for Alabama Baptists that he was “redirecting” his ministry. Cloues took that to heart then and now, after 27 years with the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions (SBOM), is doing the same thing.
“I want to do more hands-on ministry and missions work,” said Cloues, an associate in the SBOM office of church planting/associational missions. His last day is June 30.
Cloues said he is looking forward to being more involved with World Changers, Carpenters for Christ and the disaster relief cleanup crew at his church, Vaughn Forest Baptist Church, Montgomery. He currently leads that team and said retirement will allow him to work in disaster relief anytime and anywhere crews are needed.
He has also been seeking ways to be involved with his wife, Carolyn, in ministry. The couple is scheduled to go to Thailand in August to take part in the rebuilding work that Alabama is leading in the areas hit by the Dec. 26 tsunami.
Cloues began his work with SBOM right after he graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, in 1978.
At that time, he was jointly employed by the North American Mission Board and SBOM and was positioned in Birmingham. He worked with seven counties and 12 associations as a church-planting strategist.
After a little more than seven years, he moved to Montgomery to work in the SBOM building, where his primary job has been working with associations and directors of missions, helping them with resources and long-range and strategic planning.
And even though he’s retiring, Cloues hopes to continue some aspects of his current job on a volunteer basis, such as helping with church-planting surveys and church-building consultations.
“We will miss Steve,” said Gary Swafford, director of the SBOM office of church planting/associational missions. “Steve has unique qualities that filled a very important role in the ministry with Alabama Baptists.” Swafford noted that Cloues’ position will not be filled.
Along with all of his planned missions work, Cloues plans to renew and increase some hobbies in his spare time, such as making furniture and backpacking with his wife.  
“I’ll have a Sunday each week and six Saturdays (in which to do everything),” Cloues said. “Some guys never retire because they’ve got nothing to retire to but I’ve got plenty.”