Reading The Alabama Baptist article on much-debated intelligent design left me confused. Is the debate attempting to include God in the intelligent aspect, or is it an effort to insert some other entity in the name of science?
A point was made that there are no proofs for the existence or nonexistence of God. Is this true? We have an historical record of thousands of individuals who encountered God during their lifetime.
Some Christians are untroubled by the evolutionary explanation of the material universe. I, for one, am deeply troubled by this. Since all Scripture is God-breathed, then what is written is the truth. Can God not say what He means?
He said He created everything in six days and every plant and creature after its kind.
He did not say it took 6 billion years using evolution. He said the evening and the morning were His workday.
Was God confused or did He know before He made the sun on the fourth day how long a complete rotation of the Earth would be? In any case, the sun evolving after the Earth certainly does not follow evolutionary chronology.
A belief that everything came from nothing by no one is evolutionary humanism.
It is the religion of the self-sufficiency of man and the worship of the nature he experiences around him.
It is the theoretical empiricist philosophy that all knowledge is derived from the senses rather than from direct experimentation and observed fact. Saying one believes in the work of God and evolution is a non sequitur.
There is absolutely no proof of evolution, yet it is touted as truth worldwide, and as a professing Christian, I most certainly would be a fool to trust my senses rather than God.
Lon Pearson
Decatur, Ala.
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