Conservative Anglicans not breaking away

Conservative Anglicans not breaking away

LONDON — Widely viewed as a schismatic movement, the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON), a grouping of conservative Anglicans, said it is not leaving the worldwide Anglican Communion. Instead the movement said it is committed to renewing the 85 million-member communion from within.

GAFCON members from Africa, Europe, America and Asia met in London in April where they discussed the future of global Anglicanism.

“The members of our churches stand at the heart of the Communion, which is why we are committing to its renewal,” the GAFCON primate council said in a statement at the end of the April 13–17 conference. “We belong to the mainstream and we are moving forward.”

The movement started in Jerusalem in 2008 as a response to the consecration of openly gay Bishop Gene Robinson by the Episcopal Church. It has gained ground, planting 483 new congregations in North America since 2009.

Also during the conference, the first African Anglican was appointed secretary general. Nigerian Bishop Josiah Atkins Idowu-Fearon beat other candidates from Oceania, Asia, Europe and the Americas and succeeds Kenneth Kearon, now a bishop in the Church of Ireland.