Convention entities managing resources, ‘doing good work’

Convention entities managing resources, ‘doing good work’

It’s too bad there aren’t too many funny stories to tell about the Insurance Committee, joked Reyn Norman, chairman of the committee, as he delivered his report to convention messengers Nov. 18.

But Norman made certain to point out the importance of reports like that of the Insurance Committee and the previous report of the Audit Committee.

“You can be proud of the work [convention entities] are doing to manage the limited resources we’ve been given,” he said.

Meeting in October, Insurance Committee members assessed and affirmed the current insurance coverage on properties owned by the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions (SBOM) and convention entities, according to the Book of Reports.

“So we commend various agencies listed in the Book of Reports that came (to the meeting) and commend them for the good work they’re doing,” Norman said.

In Audit Committee member Phyllis Ingram’s absence, Bobby DuBois, associate executive director of the SBOM, expressed similar notions as Norman, saying the Audit Committee was “grateful for the entities.”

Also meeting in October, the Audit Committee reviewed each entity’s financial statements provided by its respective accountant or representative.

According to the Book of Reports, the Audit Committee requests:

• Each entity acquires a certified public accountant to perform its audit and submit final reports by Sept. 15 each year.

• Each entity submits a copy of a management letter if one is issued.

• Each entity submits statements of assets, liabilities and net assets.

• Each entity operating with a deficit submits a report to the SBOM executive committee by Feb. 15 outlining steps to be taken to eliminate the deficit. (TAB)