I am responding to the controversy within the International Mission Board (IMB) involving an individual trustee, prayer language and the approved method of baptism.
In my opinion, the coverage of the issues — and especially the Feb. 2 editorial — has not been fair and balanced.
The paper, again in my opinion, has called into question the integrity of the board and raised doubts about how they conduct business.
Usually there are two sides to every story. Upon talking with a member of the IMB trustees, I discovered that to be the case in this matter.
The board member I talked with could not give me every detail of the situation (just like a deacon cannot and should not give every detail of a deacons’ meeting to the general public), but he could share enough to renew my confidence in the IMB and the wonderful people who serve there (trustees and staff).
They need and deserve our support. Let’s be fair.
I hope this letter meets the proper criteria to be printed in the paper. My previous attempt was rejected.
In the March 2 edition of the paper, there were four letters praising the coverage of the controversy. I believe more balance is needed.
Larry W. Felkins
Clanton, Ala.
EDITOR’S NOTE — The Feb. 2 editorial “IMB Public Relations Fails to Serve Southern Baptists” did not mention IMB decisions about prayer language or approved methods of baptism. The editorial dealt with the decision for the board chairman or his designee to approve all news stories about the board before the stories can be released. We continue to believe that such a practice does not serve Southern Baptists well. Also, this was the only letter received that opposed the editorial.
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