CP giving 4.8% over year-to-date projection

CP giving 4.8% over year-to-date projection

Year-to-date contributions to Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) national and international missions and ministries received by the SBC Executive Committee (EC) through 11 months of the current fiscal year are 4.8 percent above the year-to-date SBC Cooperative Program (CP) Allocation Budget projection, and are 2.8 percent above contributions received during the same timeframe in 2015, according to a news release from EC President and CEO Frank S. Page.

As of Aug. 31, gifts received for distribution through the CP Allocation Budget through the first nine months of the convention’s fiscal year (October to September) totaled $179,161,017.35. This total is $8,202,684.02 above the $170,958,333.33 year-to-date budgeted projection to support Southern Baptist ministries globally and across North America, and is $4,884,282.36 more than the $174,276,734.99 received through the end of August 2015.

Designated giving of $199,989,817.92 for the same year-to-date period is 4.62 percent above the $191,161,942.22 received at this point in 2015. This total includes only those gifts received and distributed by the EC and does not reflect designated gifts contributed directly to SBC entities.

August’s CP allocation receipts for SBC work totaled $15,543,752.16. Designated gifts received amounted to $4,934,575.04. (BP)