Did you know? Every TAB subscription includes complimentary website access

Did you know? Every TAB subscription includes complimentary website access

Did you know if you subscribe to The Alabama Baptist (TAB) — whether the print or digital edition — you have complimentary access to our entire website? If you haven’t received your credentials yet you will definitely want to put this on your to-do list today.

Getting credentials

TAB’s website — www.thealabamabaptist.org — is updated daily with current news and top stories.

To receive your complimentary website credentials or to subscribe go to the website and click on the gold “Login” button at the top of the site.

From there, those seeking the complimentary credentials should click on the first “click here” option in the description, send us an email and we will get you set up.

Note whether you subscribe as an individual or if your subscription is through a church (and include the name of the church).

If you do not have a subscription to the paper then click on the second “click here” in the description to subscribe to the paper and receive complimentary website access or the last “click here” if you prefer only the website.

In all cases you will receive an email with your username and password once you have been given access.

So why should you take advantage of this complimentary access?

The website features the most up-to-date news and popular stories, but also provides access to TAB’s archive of stories stretching back as far as 2000.

The website also provides access to the TAB News podcast, an easy way to contact us with news items, comments and questions and an option donate to TAB. Event promotions are often featured on the site, and downloadable resources that go along with some of our top stories also are available. 

‘Great resource’

“The website is a great resource for keeping up with our current stories as well as exploring the topics and events we’ve covered during the past 20 years,” president and editor Jennifer Davis Rash said. (TAB)