Dying child in China leads other to Christ

Dying child in China leads other to Christ

The two patients were in the same hospital.

One had chosen to live. One had chosen to die.

The former was an eight-year old Chinese boy who had suffered a heart attack. While in the hospital, he made the decision to follow Jesus and accept the gift of eternal life.

The latter was a young Chinese man who, having failed in a suicide attempt, lay in his hospital bed and told others that he wanted to die. An enterprising evangelist took the little boy to visit with the suicidal man.

“Older brother,” the little one said, “why do you want to die? I have a heart problem and the doctors say I cannot live for long. But I met Jesus and know that He loves me. My body hurts every day, but my heart is still happy.”

Then he sang a simple song of faith. The despondent young man cried but could not speak.

One week later, at the funeral service of the little boy, the man decided that he too wanted to live. He accepted Christ into his heart and now has the assurance of eternal life.

Having once tried to destroy his own life, the man is now leading others to acceptance of life in Christ.

(Wire services)