Jacky Connell has been the pastor of Eden Westside Baptist Church, Pell City, for 28 years and feels extremely committed to that congregation. So when he was approached in late 2014 to start a new church in Leeds and serve as its pastor, his initial response was, “No.”
When he started learning more about this particular Leeds location, though, his answer began to evolve.
A church had been closed and the building empty for 18 months. The building had been purchased by a Leeds resident who had no interest in owning a church, but who didn’t want to see the building torn down or used for anything other than what it was intended to be.
This resident was the one who initially reached out to Connell in mid-November 2014. Connell turned them down but talked with some of Eden Westside Baptist’s deacons about the situation, and they all began praying about a solution.
Connell presented other options to the Leeds men to help them get the church going, none of which included Connell serving as pastor or a connection to Eden Westside. But none of those alternatives felt right.
The group began considering opening the Leeds location as a second campus of Eden Westside, entertaining the option of having Connell simulcast in to the Leeds location via live streaming.
First worship service
The group as a whole felt like this was the right route to take, so after a quick update to the Leeds church building and getting other logistics worked out, the River Campus of Eden Westside had its first worship service Jan. 11, 2015.
“The surprising thing is how so many people pitched in to help in any way they could for the opening to be successful,” Connell said. “People worked hard during the holiday season unselfishly. There is a sweet, sweet spirit at the River Campus.”
The goal was always to make Eden Westside a single church with two locations, but Eden Westside also wanted the River Campus to be self-sustaining as early as possible. The church didn’t have to wait long for that goal to be realized — the River Campus was self-sustaining almost from the beginning.
“Every response I’ve heard [from church members] has been positive,” Connell said. “The members of Eden Westside were excited about the opportunity to open a second campus. The members support and pray for the River Campus.”
Since the River Campus is viewed as an extension of the Pell City location, the church has started introducing some of its Pell City ministries in the Leeds location. One such example is Breakfast for the Brave, which has been in place in Pell City for more than a decade. The River Campus location will start hosting this outreach (in addition to the Pell City location) in January.
Scotty Pinson, the church’s director of missions, said, “We prepare breakfast once a month for all the first responders in the Pell City area. In January we will start serving all the policemen and firemen in Leeds at our River Campus.”
Missions work
Breakfast for the Brave is just one example of missions work that has extended to the new campus, and Connell said he’s excited about what is to come for Eden Westside.
“God is doing great work at the River Campus,” he said. “The first year was a year of learning and adjusting, and the second year will be one focused on intentional ministry. I’m absolutely convinced God is in this. It’s alive and will grow.”
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