Emeritus missionary Ogburn dies April 14

Emeritus missionary Ogburn dies April 14

MERIDIAN, Miss. — Georgia Mae Ogburn, an emeritus Southern Baptist missionary to Chile, died April 14. She was 91. Appointed by the Foreign  Mission Board in 1940, Ogburn headed the women’s department of the Chilean Baptist Theological Seminary in Santiago before accepting the position of executive secretary-treasurer for Chile’s Woman’s Missionary Union in 1948. In addition to WMU work, she taught a young women’s Sunday School class, led devotionals for Girls in Action camps and served as a trustee for several Baptist institutions in Chile.

In 1976, the year she retired, Ogburn received the Bernardo O’Higgins award, the Chilean government’s top honor for noncitizens who have demonstrated altruism, dedication and respect for the Chilean people. Born in Selma, Ala., and reared in Meridian, Miss., Ogburn was a graduate of Blue Mountain (Miss.) College and Woman’s Missionary Union Training School (now merged with Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) in Louisville, Ky. She is survived by several nieces and nephews and a host of friends.