Several weeks ago, Betty Baggott asked me if she could use an excerpt from a book I have written, and of course, I said yes. I was honored to be in her column.
I just want you to know that I have been overwhelmed with the response I have received. The Baptist ladies of Alabama are a wonderful caring group. Two or three letters would have thrilled me.
However, I have received nearly 70 letters in only a week’s time. So many of the ladies have poured out their heart to me, sharing the various problems they face.
I just want them to know I have been and will continue to pray for each of them. I am so grateful for their kind words. I want to commend you for your outstanding paper and for my being able to share, through Betty Baggott, my Parkinson’s story. What Parkinson’s does to you is not pretty, but the ladies in your state have blessed me in such a special way.
Robbie Ellis
Pembroke Pines, Fla.
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