ERLC places first international ultrasound machine at Christian, pro-life ministry in Northern Ireland

ERLC places first international ultrasound machine at Christian, pro-life ministry in Northern Ireland

The Psalm 139 Project, a pro-life ministry of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, has placed its first international ultrasound machine with Hope House, a Christian ministry seeking to love both lives of mother and baby in pregnancy and beyond.

This is the first ERLC international partnership with a local organization in Northern Ireland in order to equip Christians to navigate the abortion crisis taking place there.

A group from the ERLC, including Elizabeth Graham, ERLC vice president of operations and life initiatives, personally delivered the ultrasound machine to Hope House today to begin training their staff for this life-saving work.

“After a year and a half of planning, I am beyond thrilled to be here in Northern Ireland to deliver our first international ultrasound machine to the wonderful ministry of Hope House,” said Graham. “These machines have proven to be life-saving tools for organizations dedicated to serving both vulnerable mothers and preborn children. My prayer is that many women would be helped and babies saved through the ministry of Hope House and that abortion would become unthinkable and unnecessary not only in Northern Ireland, but across the globe.”

Brent Leatherwood, acting president of the ERLC, commented on the importance of the ERLC’s international pro-life work.

“While our American pro-life work continues apace, the ERLC also recognizes this urgent and heartbreaking need that cannot be ignored in Northern Ireland,” said Leatherwood. “Just as the Supreme Court forced an abortion regime on our nation back in 1973, Parliament has done the same in Northern Ireland. As they face their own Roe moment, it is imperative that we stand for life with our brothers and sisters in this part of the world, equip them with life-saving technology, and pray for them as they provide hope to those in crisis so they may choose life.”

The partnering pro-life entities, in addition to the ERLC, focused on Northern Ireland, include:

  • Both Lives Matter, a campaign that advocates for both the mother and unborn child;
  • Evangelical Alliance, an organization which unites Christians from across the wider United Kingdom on issues important to believers.

The ERLC’s Psalm 139 Project focuses on aiding pregnancy resource centers by securing ultrasound machines and providing training for their use. The centers use the machines in their life-saving work to support women and families in crisis pregnancy situations, helping many to make the choice for life.

One hundred percent of financial contributions designated to the Psalm 139 Project go toward purchasing ultrasound machines and providing training for workers. No Cooperative Program resources are used for these machines. Learn more at

Editor’s Note — This article was provided by the staff of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.