Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson for October 27

Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson for October 27

By Robert L. Olsen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Christian Studies, University of Mobile

Walking Differently
Ephesians 4:17–32

The Old (17–19)

Since we are chosen in Christ we belong to God and not to the world. The people of the world live accordingly as they are spiritually blind (2 Cor. 4:4) which is easily visible in daily life. 

Many people deny the existence of God altogether and think this will somehow lead to freedom. However, as evidenced in the culture, apart from God there is no wisdom and society is drowning in a morass of confusion witnessed by people not even knowing the difference between genders. 

Others seek to use the government to try to find meaning and happiness, appealing to public officials to make laws that align with their own views. 

Still others try to find meaning in the spiritual realm as seen in commercials for psychic hotlines advertising the ability to predict the future. In all these ways their ignorance and hardness of heart is evidenced. 

The Change (20–24)

In contrast Christians live according to the truth which is made known in Scripture. Paul mentions that Christians are to have their minds renewed. 

Some Christians believe we are called only to love others and thus theology is not important. 

However, we cannot understand what love is unless we understand Scripture. Love of biblical knowledge needs to go hand in hand with love of others.

The New (25–32)

How do Christians live apart from the world? First Christians are to abstain from lying. God is a God of truth and hates lies. 

Second we are not supposed to sin in our anger. This does not mean that Christians should not get angry. Christians should be angry about many things — oppression, addiction and injustices in the world, for example. 

But anger often leads to sin because sin has tainted every area of life including emotion. It is difficult to be angry without acting on the anger. Jesus points out in Matthew 5 that if we harbor anger toward our neighbor we are guilty of murder. That is how seriously God takes the misuse of this emotion. 

Third Christians are not to steal. This not only protects others from being robbed but also motivates Christians to have a legitimate job so they can earn money to share with those in need. 

However, a Christian who wastes time at work, cheats the government or is likewise untrustworthy is also guilty of thieving. Christians are to be honest workers who bring glory to God in their dealings with others. This is one way we model Christ to others in our society. 

Fourth Christians should not use foul language but instead speak in a way that builds up others. Christians are to be above reproach and speak in a positive way that encourages others.

These ways of living distinguish Christians from the world around them. We show the example of Christ to the world when we follow these exhortations. 

And one of the greatest examples of Christ we can exhibit is that of forgiveness. 

The world operates in a way that focuses on getting even or getting what one deserves (i.e. if someone does wrong he or she deserves to be punished). I have seen many crime shows where the victims express hope that the attacker “rots in jail.” Christians are not supposed to act this way. 

While there are consequences to wrongdoing and we have a justice system in place to punish evildoers appropriately, we as Christians are called to forgive the individual when he or she sins against us.

We forgive others just as Christ forgives us. This forgiveness is of eternal magnitude. Because everyone has sinned against a perfect and holy God we deserve to be separated eternally in hell. However, Christ died for us while we were still sinners.