FamilyNet may become for-profit SBC entity

FamilyNet may become for-profit SBC entity


The FamilyNet television network could convert from a nonprofit entity to a for-profit subsidiary of the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board, based on a new reorganization plan.

The plan was adopted unanimously by the board’s trustees Aug. 13 and must next be considered by the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, the denomination announced.

The new for-profit FamilyNet would be formed from three existing subsidiaries of the Alpharetta, Ga.-nonprofit entity; TimeRite Agency, a for-profit advertising subsidiary; and DFW Uplink, a nonprofit subsidiary including satellite transmission operations. “This is a wonderful, fabulous opportunity to get evangelical doctrine out across America and around the world,” said Ed Young, a Houston pastor and member of FamilyNet’s board of directors, which approved the plan the day before the trustee vote.

“This may be the most historic turnaround in our denomination that we have had.”

Robert E. Reccord, president of the mission board, said the move could make FamilyNet “the voice of mainline evangelical Christianity in America via television,” Baptist Press reported. He said the decision to consider for-profit status stemmed from the limited potential for funding available to the network as a non-profit entity. Leaders of the mission board hope the for-profit status will attract potential investors to boost programming, marketing and distribution efforts.

Currently, the network airs 24 hours a day to 2.9 million households. Most of its 165 affiliates are low-power stations. With investors’ help, network executives hope to reach a much larger audience of as many as 30 million homes.

Reccord said the network has already attempted to make advances by increasing original programming and adding key broadcast industry leaders to the FamilyNet board and staff. Those changes included the hiring of David W. Clark, a former vice president for the Christian Broadcasting Network, who is now president of FamilyNet.