Female SBC Leader

Female SBC Leader

I want to respond to Bob Terry’s editorial in the July 12 issue “Can a Woman Lead the SBC?” as a woman who tried to serve the Lord as called by Him for three and a half years as a youth director in a small Alabama Southern Baptist church. The answer is “no.”

First, it won’t matter if she is called by God to serve in the position, there will be males in the leadership that will not respect her or her opinions and will see her as a threat to their leadership. …

Second, she will be paid less and given less chance for advancement. As youth director, I worked 20 hours a week making a small hourly rate. My replacement, a male, was given full-time status and the title associate pastor.

Third, I believe the male leadership of the SBC will ignore Galatians 3:28 that says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

I have no desire to be a pastor. I just have a desire to go where God calls me to go and do what God calls me to do.
Thankfully Jesus did not limit His ministry to only men but recognized the special qualities of women, even when they were still in their sin. The woman at the well leaves Jesus’ side and goes into her hometown and by her testimony, causes a revival to break out and most of her hometown got saved.

Teresa Elliott
Harvest, Ala.