It’s a simple premise really: Prayerfully choose someone who needs Jesus. Commit to praying for that person and developing a relationship. Invite that person to church. Then watch for an opportunity to share the gospel.
“We need to get back to making the main thing the main thing,” Johnny Hunt, senior vice president of evangelism and leadership for the North American Mission Board (NAMB), told those gathered at the “Who’s Your One?” tour stop at Gardendale First Baptist Church on Jan. 12.
“Who’s Your One?” is an evangelism initiative launched by NAMB in February 2019 to promote intentional evangelism among Southern Baptists.
“If just 10% of the people who attend our churches prayed for and reached just one person, the results would be the best year for baptisms our convention has ever experienced,” Hunt said.
The Sunday night rally was followed by an evangelism workshop Jan. 13 focused on practical ways to reach the lost. Workshop presenters included Kevin Hamm, pastor of Gardendale First Baptist; H.B. Charles Jr., pastor of Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist in Jacksonville, Florida; and James Merritt, pastor of Cross Pointe Church, Atlanta.
A series of “Who’s Your One?” district training events are scheduled throughout Alabama in March and April. For a complete list of trainings, go to (Tracy Riggs)
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