Green Valley Baptist joins fight against homosexual marriage

Green Valley Baptist joins fight against homosexual marriage

By Sondra Washington

Green Valley Baptist Church, Birmingham, joined the fight against homosexual marriage recently when one deacon organized a churchwide petition to all 100 United States senators.

Pleading for support of the Federal Marriage Amendment, the church sent approximately 1,000 church member signatures in 16-page packets along with a cover letter signed by the pastor and chairman of deacons.

Project coordinator Joe George began the project after discovering that the majority of senators were not supporting the amendment and were considering postponing the issue.

“We first started as a deacon project to get deacon signatures on a petition sent to certain senators who had voted against the marriage amendment,” said George. “Then, we decided to go churchwide.”

“Another key participant in this effort was Virginia Barksdale, administrative assistant, who meticulously ascertained that each of the 100 letters was correctly addressed and mailed.”

Using Scriptures that support marriage as a union between one man and one woman, George hoped that the senators would reconsider their views and vote for the amendment.

“Our intent was a matter of love and not hate for our fellow Americans,” he said. “If they vote against it we will have a multitude of homosexual marriages in the United States. Our entire western civilization is built on the biblical definition of marriage between one man and one woman.”

Green Valley Pastor Jeff Vanlandingham is proud of George and his congregation for their efforts. He encourages other churches to join them in making a stand against homosexual marriage.

“One of the things that we had been hearing about all of this is that our senators and representatives have not been hearing from Christians,” he said.