Dry Valley Baptist Church, Lincoln
Coosa River Baptist Association
Favorite Bible Verse: Acts 1:8
Favorite Hymn: “O How I love Jesus”
Hobbies: Gardening
Family Status: Married to Jean for 60 years; two sons, Stephen and Phillip; one daughter, Ava; seven grandchildren; and one great-grandchild
After becoming a Christian while a teenager, Edward Harrison decided to devote his life to the church. Harrison was approached about becoming a deacon in 1952 and has served as one ever since.
Q: How did you become a Christian?
A: During a revival meeting in 1933. I was convicted and I went up to the altar. I came to know the Lord and was baptized the next day in a creek.
Q: What led you to become a deacon?
A: I saw the need and some of the older deacons where I went to church at the time came to me and asked me to pray about becoming a deacon. I did and discussed it with my wife, and I felt it was the thing to do.
Q: What other aspects of church life have you been involved in?
A: I have served as Sunday School director and brotherhood director. I am chairman of the deacons. I worked with the Royal Ambassadors. I was associational Sunday School director and the treasurer for the Coosa River Baptist Association before they had computers.
Q: What difference has being a deacon and being involved in church made in your life?
A: To see new deacons come and grow and to see the church grow. I have been a deacon with young pastors, and to watch them and the church grow has been a benefit. That is one of the things I look back on with pleasure.
Q: How have family members supported you?
A: I would have never been able to do much if I had not married a Christian woman. We had a devotion our first wedding night. Having a Christian wife has helped me, and I couldn’t have made it without her. All my children have supported me in the work we do.
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